Conflict Resolution
About Course
The Marriage Boot Camp Academy CONFLICT RESOLUTION course is the equivalent of over 15 hours of couples counseling work, a value of over $3000 in the comfort of your own home!
The teaching and the practice time allows you to go at your own pace and maximize the growth and healing instead of being limited to the therapist’s clock.
In the CONFLICT RESOLUTION course you will be an active participant in tackling the toughest battles in your relationship and come out with a win/win for both of you.
Online learning can be challenging so, as with all things Boot Camp, let me make this as simple as ABC:
- I first give you a short teaching on important topics related to conflict resolution. Each short lesson will build on the prior lesson, so that by the end, you will be a conflict resolution master!
- You and your loved one will then be given a structured practice. Head knowledge is not enough. You must be able to enter the arena and be able to act on what you learned.
- Once you have practiced and mastered one topic, you will move forward to the next lesson where you will learn and practice to the next level of mastery.
Feel free to redo any of the lessons until you have a strong grasp of the skill. We call it “drill and kill”: learn-practice-repeat.
This course is divided into 3 parts, or modules, that build on one another. Here is an overview of the entire course and why it is important to do each module in order.
In module number one you will build a foundation of life-changing skills for healthy communication. You will NOT be able to resolve conflict without this foundation and frankly, you will be better at virtually everything with great communication skills. You will also learn that conflict is normal and valuable. If you think that there is no conflict in a good marriage, well think again.
In module number two you will discover the WHY of the fight and the WAY that you fight, but more importantly, you will discover WHAT YOU ARE FIGHTING FOR. In this module, you will learn how the brain works, how your past shows up in your present, and why this is so important to understand. You will also learn to SLOW DOWN and understand your feelings and thoughts so that you can know this one profound truth: that you are normal and you are not alone.
In module number three we get into the nitty-gritty of your fight and we give you a fool-proof, 5-step process that works every time it is used properly. As your head coach I will teach you how to enter the arena and come out with a win-win strategy every time.
So let’s not waste another minute in conflict. Let’s get after it and take down each relationship challenge once and for all!
Course Content
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